Sunday, July 12, 2015

all you need is a pilot, instructor, and jumper

every day is a new adventure. there are two things i have learned to master during this time in my life: change and flexibility. i try to handle it with grace, but let's be real, that doesn't happen very often. after all, life is a little chaotic.

in may, i graduated from baylor. moved home and became an only child for the first time. i quickly learned that the only child thing doesn't really work for me and wished my little brother was home. i wrecked my car within the first week (i know i said this in my last post but people really do need to learn how to drive - fast and furious) and living twenty minutes from civilization does not work well with a girl who loves her independence. ok, that's a little bit of an exaggeration. i'm more like fifteen minutes from any coffee shop. i know, i have my priorities straight. with the few friends that haven't moved away, 99.9% are only here for the summer. i have spent my entire summer studying for the dental admission test, which i take july 22nd. the next day after my test, i will be helping lead a group of middle and high schoolers in the rocky mountain national park for six days. i was promised tents, beautiful views, and some not so pleasant smells. did i mention elevation is not my friend? don't worry, i'm bringing some medication and a lot of febreeze. in august, i'll be starting morningside college and taking classes i avoided like the plague during my undergrad - microbiology, biochemistry, anatomy, and human physiology. gross, i know. i also have to relearn how to survive the winters up here. lol. last winter i learned that mallory, my car, likes to pretend she is a sled so i am sure we will have a lot of #adventureswithmal coming at ya live on snapchat. feel free to add me - sarah_cork (i keep it original). in conclusion, i've had change, change, and more change.

my parents and i went to visit my little brother in california this week. he is interning at ebay for the summer in san jose. sic'(em). it's been three years since i've been to this beautiful state. and it never disappoints. 

sometimes there are times when you just need to do something fun - or crazy. like yesterday. i had a twenty-two-year-old young-life crisis. i jumped out of a plane at ten thousand feet. crazy, but totally worth it. 

it was the first time in quite a while that i felt like i had no control over a situation. i just listened to eric miller, my tandem instructor, and let him figure everything out while i sat back and relaxed... or screamed. i'm kind of surprised i still had my voice today. when he told me to do something, i listened. why? because i was not about to die. and because he was an expert (he has jumped over five thousand jumps) and knew exactly what he was doing. 

honest hour: i like being in control. i also like knowing what's going on. i love taking charge and figuring out the most practical way to do something. i'm still not positive what made me have the desire to skydive, but it was a freeing feeling leaping from a sketchy little airplane and not being in control. the minute long free fall accelerating at 9.8 m/s^2 looking over the ocean was indescribable. 

this whole change thing definitely relates to my walk with the Lord. i need to step back and allow God to be my skydiving instructor. He's been there before. this thing called life is definitely not new territory and He'll direct me where He wants me to go. He gives me the parachute strings to steer, but ultimately He will make sure i make it to the landing pad. in the meantime, i need to learn a little patience.

life is a little blurry. kinda messy. but i'm learning that i wouldn't want to be in any other place right now. if i can trust eric with my life jumping from ten thousand feet, i can definitely trust the instructor/creator of all things. all i can say is that i am very thankful that God is trustworthy, even throughout all this change. in His time and in His plan, i will figure out the next step. until then, i may as well sit back, enjoy the ride and live life a little.

side note: if you ever have the chance to skydive, i would highly recommend it. my only suggestion would be to do it somewhere with a nice view. :) totally worth it. my little brother and i went to a place in santa cruz, california. their website is

live, love & lead <3

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